Remake of the eponymous 1961 classic, itself adapted from the 1957 Broadway musical, Spielberg's film features a Puerto Rican immigrant named Maria (Rachel Zegler) who falls in love with Tony (Ansel Elgort), a man white leader The Jets, a gang at war with another gang, the Sharks. The problem is that Bernardo, the brother of Maria (David Alvarez), is also the leader of the Sharks.
Janusz Kamiński, colors and 4K
The Spielberg film, which benefited from a budget of 100 million dollars and a 35 mm shoot magnified by the photo of Janusz Kamiński, was seen in pre-order 4K Ultra HD at several webstores, accompanied by a date: April 15, 2022 (click for pre-order). No official communication yet from 20th Century Studios, we'll keep you posted.