

Apple Car: no steering wheel, opposite seats, and other details

Apple's first car may embrace "weirdness" as a design philosophy.

The Information site recently reported many details on what is going on in the offices of Apple about the future electric car of the firm, and more particularly on its design.

Very futuristic Apple Car

Many ideas are discussed, tested and may or may not make it into the final product. We thus learn that the seats could face each other, allowing passengers to converse face to face, and that the roof would be curved like the Volkswagen Beetle. Also tested, a chest that can rise to be more easily accessible, and lower automatically when not in use.

Jony Ive involved advocates the "weirdness" of design

Former Apple design president -Jony Ive- has left the company but would be involved as a consultant on the project. In particular, he would have advised the Apple Car team to “lean towards the oddity of the design”. Thus Apple would seek to exonerate itself from legal obligations in the United States to release a vehicle which would have neither steering wheel nor brake pedal. A car controllable via iPhone?

Apple is also looking to disguise its latest prototype so it can test it in public without being noticed. However, remember that the final product will only be released in a few years.