

Top best-selling consoles in history: Sony still champion

Still early in their careers, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S have yet to enter the closed circle of the world's best-selling home consoles.

With more than 155 million copies sold since its release (in March 2000), the PlayStation 2 has established itself as the best-selling home console of all time.

3 PlayStation consoles in the Top 5

And this is not an isolated case for Sony since among the top five places in the ranking of the best-selling consoles in the history of video games, three are PlayStation consoles: the PS2 therefore, followed by the PS4, then from the original PS1. It should be noted that the PS3 was still last year in this Top 5, but that it has since given way to the Nintendo Switch, which had passed 89 million copies at the time of the establishment of this new ranking (the 30 June 2021).

Nintendo is resisting

Well done to the veteran Nintendo, which also occupies the 4th position with its Wii console, and which is also the only machine to exceed the 100 million units sold apart from those of Sony. Be careful, however, this hierarchy could quickly be turned upside down because the Switch but also the PS5 and the Xbox Series X / S are in ambush. Source: Statista