

Samsung Vs Apple: and the mockery continues...

The endless series "Samsung makes fun of Apple" welcomes a new episode in the form of a very teasing little ad.

If ever anyone still doubted Samsung's playful spirit towards its competitor Apple, this new ad from Samsung USA confirms that mockery is an integral part of the Korean manufacturer's communication plan.

Samsung, humor as a selling point

On the video below we can therefore see an onlooker trying to leave what very clearly looks like an Apple Store (even if it is not named) by climbing a barrier to better see the attributes of the competitor Samsung, namely its foldable smartphones and their "epic" cameras. And the employee – clearly Apple too – trying to hold him back, saying “We're waiting for it to happen here. Because that's what we do at home: we wait”.

Indeed, the foldable iPhone will surely arrive one day, but it won't be before 2024, or even 2025.