

Reverse Charging on iPhone 15?

Will the next iPhone finally be able -like its competitors- to share its battery to charge other devices?

If there was a time when Apple was a source of inspiration for its competitors, the Californian company is now lagging behind on certain features, for example concerning the possibility for the phone to act as a battery and to recharge batteries. 'other wireless devices, or Reverse Charging.

Reverse Charging on iPhone, Apple files a patent

As early as 2019 there were rumors about it, and an ersatz function had appeared on iPhone 12, but nothing substantial. Anyway, Apple is working on the subject, with proof of a patent recently filed by the manufacturer and unearthed by Patently Apple. The document describes “bimodal magnetic alignment components for device alignment”, a Reverse Charging system allowing you to put your AirPods or Apple Watch on the back of the iPhone in order to recharge them. Particularity of the system, the possibility of positioning the accessory freely, without worrying about a precise place for the load to work.

It remains to be seen whether this feature will arrive on the next iPhone 15, not impossible knowing that the latest rumors predict that the device will be equipped with a larger battery capacity than usual.