Initially, John Constantine, the detective-exorcist-hunter of demons, is the anti-hero of the comic book Hellblazer published by DC Comics. This was followed by an adaptation directed by Francis Lawrence (I am a legend) with Keanu Reeves, released in 2005 at the cinema and strong of 230 million dollars in revenue. A great success despite everything weighed down by a budget of between 70 and 90 million dollars, which did not encourage the producers to immediately launch a sequel.
A dream for Keanu
But things could change. Warner recently announced that its teams have begun work on a sequel project. And Keanu Reeves, questioned on the subject, to answer: “It's exciting. It's almost like an open playground in which we can hopefully, if the preparation is good, play at will. I can't wait to be there and I hope it happens. You never know how things can turn out in this environment. But I will do my best to make this dream come trueâ€.
What is certain is that Akiva Goldsman (Star Trek Picard) is back on the script and that JJ Abrams and Hannah Minghella are producing. It still smells pretty good.