

Free streaming, apparently it works

Given the constant growth of its turnover, free video streaming interspersed with advertising seems well on its way to conquering the public.

According to the latest figures from the Omdia firm, the turnover of the FAST market - either Free ad-supported Streaming TV or free streaming supported by advertising - has multiplied by almost 20 between 2019 and 2022. Between 2022 and 2027 it should be multiplied by three to reach 12 billion dollars.

The United States market leader FAST

The FAST sector is growing rapidly, with already 1,500 channels already available in the United States. The majority of this growth will be led by the US, which currently accounts for 90% of the global FAST market, or $4 billion in 2022. By 2027, it will exceed $10 billion.

Top 5 FAST market

The five biggest FAST markets in 2027 will be the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Brazil, i.e. three English-speaking countries in the Top 3.