

USA, code sharing for 27% of streaming subscribers

More than a quarter of Americans do not pay to enjoy Netflix and other streaming platforms. A practice once tolerated but now sanctioned.

According to a recent study by Leichtman Research Group of 3,500 households in the United States, 86% of them have at least one video streaming service, and 50% have at least four. But not all users pay for their subscription, taking advantage of a password shared by a third party, a practice previously tolerated but now tracked and limited by Netflix.

27% of American households do not pay for all or part of their streaming service(s)

Of the services used by Americans, 68% are paid for and not shared outside the household and 27% are used simultaneously by more than one household, broken down as follows: 13% used and paid for by those who share them with someone outside the home which pays nothing, 12% used by non-paying borrowers outside the home, 2% whose price is shared between several homes. The remaining 5% is not paid because it is available through another service.

The word to Bruce Leichtman from Leichtman Research Group

“More than a quarter of all direct-to-consumer (DTC) services are shared with others outside the home, including 12% of all streaming services 'borrowed' from someone's subscription another, said analyst Bruce Leichtman. Overall, 17% of households have at least one DTC service fully paid for by someone else.”