

Deep Screen, the name of the Apple headset?

An old trademark filing reveals (perhaps) the name of the screen of Apple's new mixed reality headset, or even of the device itself.

Apple's first mixed reality headset is expected to be announced in early June, and rumors are still rife.

Apple and nicknames for its components

The latest was unearthed by Marcus Schappi on Twitter, and concerns the surname that the screen of the device could carry. Indeed, Apple has a habit of giving elegant nicknames to some of the components of its products, for example the Retina screen of the iPhone, iPad and other MacBooks.

xrOS, the Deep Screen operating system?

Thus, in 2017 and 2018 the company Deep Dive DLC registered the name Deep Screen in several countries. Nothing weird until you remember that Apple has a habit of using front companies to register its trademarks discreetly, and Deep Dive has already registered the name xrOS supposed to be the operating system of the Apple headphones.

Deep Dive could thus be the name of the screen of the device, Deep probably evoking the depth of the experience that this new product will provide.