

Hate: reservations for Kassovitz's musical are open

Almost 30 years after its release (1995), Mathieu Kassovitz's film, Hate, will be adapted into a musical comedy also by Mathieu Kassovitz. Tickets are now on sale.

The director, who is recovering from a serious motorcycle accident that occurred during training for a film, presents this project in the Canal+ show Clique as “an elongation of what Hate was”. The show will take up the story of the film, sometimes seen from a different angle.

Reservations for the musical Hate, open

Moreover, this musical is subtitled "So far, nothing has changed", in reference of course to a key phrase from the voice-over which closes the original film: "It's the story of a man who falls from a 50-story building. On each floor, he repeats “So far so good.” "So far, so good". "So far, so good". But the important thing is not the fall: it’s the landing.”

For the moment, Mathieu Kassovitz remains secretive about the actors involved in the musical Hate…

Several performances are planned at the Seine Musicale in Paris from October 10 to 19, 2024, at the Dôme in Marseille from November 8 to 10, 2024 and from November 15 to 17, 2024 at the LDLC Arena in Lyon.