

Celless Box: increased quality of mobile phone reception

Already mentioned in our columns, the fruitful inventor Khamprasith Bounpraseuth, already at the origin of the brilliant passive indoor TNT antenna Antengrin, returns with the Celless Box. In addition to its role as a powerful filter for electromagnetic waves, the latter proves to be very effective in improving poor reception quality on your smartphone to successfully make a phone call.

While the harmfulness of electromagnetic waves from mobile phones on health, without yet being fully demonstrated, is increasingly discussed, particularly for children, the Celless Box distributed by the company Antengrin-Cellaos acts as a miracle product . We already knew that since the presentation of the Celless Box in 2019. The novelty lies in another functionality of the Celless Box, native by its structure but now highlighted through multiple uses repeated throughout these last years, its ability to significantly improve the reception quality of its mobile phone. Namely, in France, 15% of the population is not satisfied with the transmission/reception quality of their telephone for various reasons: not optimal coverage, thick walls, etc.).

Celless Box, reception gain of 30% to 70% of a bar

Certified by the Emitech laboratory, the gain in reception using a smartphone and the Celless Box is patent. Depending on the frequencies, a gain of 30% to 70% of a bar is observed, approximately one third to two thirds of a bar. This allows you to establish telephone contact or download data where this was not possible before. And even in the event of good reception, the Celless Box has its usefulness: by promoting reception, it helps increase battery life (see explanation below).

Celless Box, Gold medal at the Lépine 2019 competition

Awarded a Gold Medal at the last Lépine 2019 competition at the Paris Fair, the Celless Box is in fact simply based on the principle of a reflector, like a car headlight or a Gras desk lamp, embedded in a smartphone receptacle (see bottom photo in this news). Behind the reflector, the waves are filtered, in front, they are concentrated, like the bulb of a headlight or a workshop lamp. In addition to being protected from waves behind the reflector, it has the advantage of increasing battery life and reception quality.

Basic principle of mobile telephony

Here comes the moment where we must recall the principle of communication between a mobile telephone relay antenna and a smartphone. The further a mobile terminal is from an antenna (whose power is fixed), or the more obstacles are erected between it and it while it is at a short distance, the more the terminal will emit a strong signal to communicate with it and consume energy. So much so that, in these difficult conditions, the power emitted by a smartphone is several thousand times greater than that emitted by an antenna, even if the latter is close, only a hundred meters away for example. The opportunity to remember that the emission of a Wi-Fi box has nothing to do in terms of power with a smartphone (between 10 and 20 times less). Even less when it comes to Bluetooth (between 1,000 and 2,000 times less).

As we can see, the main source of waves around you is the mobile phone (unless you stay with your head stuck in front of a microwave oven while it is working, the leaks of which are of the order two to four times less powerful than the waves emitted by a smartphone).

Principle of using the Celless Box

To return to the Celless Box (whose shape is close to that of a cradle, see photo above) equipped as a reminder with a reflector in its base, it is now easy to understand that the waves emitted by the antenna are concentrated via this reflector at the location of the smartphone, and that they are drastically filtered below (around 97%). Concentrated waves coming from the antenna mean better signal reception (from 30% to 70% depending on the frequency, as a reminder, which can prove essential in certain poorly covered areas), and also less power requirements. emitted by the mobile terminal to communicate with the antenna, resulting in increased battery life.

Constraints to know

The only constraint to the proper functioning of the Celless Box in terms of improving reception quality concerns its position in relation to the relay antenna. The latter must always be above the Celless Box so that its waves are not stopped by the reflector. Concrete case, if you live on the 20th floor of a building and the relay antenna in your area is located on the roof of a neighboring building eight stories high, it will act as an almost impassable boundary for the waves.

Similarly, to be perfectly protected from waves with the Celless Box, in a bedroom for example, it must be placed higher than the bed. This is so that its reflector is placed above the body of the occupant of the room to block the waves from the smartphone. Thus positioned, the smartphone will be in Airplane mode equivalent while remaining receptive to calls and notifications.

Immediate availability of the Celless Box (Leroy Merlin, Bricoman among others). You can also order it directly from the manufacturer's website at an indicative price of around €35. Click on the following link to access it: Celless Box