

France, streaming on the rise

Live television continues to dominate French viewing time, but is gradually giving way to streaming.

According to a recent report from the Médiamétrie institute, the French each consumed an average of 4h37 of video per day in 2023. Live TV consumption represents two thirds of French people's video time, but video consumption on demand takes more and more space with 33% of viewing time, or 7% better than four years ago.

A word to Isabelle Maurice, Director of Studies, Monitoring and Foresight Médiamétrie££££

“Platforms reflect the digitalization of uses,” declares Isabelle Maurice, Director of Studies, Monitoring and Prospective Médiamétrie. Real carousels of content, they offer great freedom of consumption (all locations, all modes, all screens). They have become essential on all our screens and are now everyday reflexes.” Note that “video on demand” here includes all streaming formats: VOD, BVoD (replay and free content including that of traditional TV players), AVoD (services financed by advertising), SVoD (streaming by subscription, such as Netflix), and even social platforms such as YouTube.