

TNT 4K France 2 UHD, list of transmitters scheduled for July 9

Continuation of our news concerning the arrival of the France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD channels in France. In addition to the reminder of the transmitters already activated, we invite you to discover the list of transmitters whose activation is scheduled for July 9. While waiting for the final tranche scheduled for July 18 for certain border transmitters in the north and east of the metropolis, an agenda dictated by obtaining broadcasting authorizations from the Belgian and German authorities.

The decision to broadcast the Paris 2024 Olympic Games by the French legislator and public service not having been truly concerted at the European level, it got stuck in the border areas, that is to the south, east and north of France. If the negotiations started with the countries concerned, for some, made it possible to quickly reach an agreement, it was more difficult for others, in particular Belgium and Germany.

Good news, it’s now done. Belgian and German authorizations have been acquired and many residents of the north and east of France will therefore be able to receive France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD at the last minute before the start of the Olympics, with the activation of transmitters in these regions being scheduled for July 18 during the final phase of national deployment of 4K TNT.

Which 4K DTT transmitters in mainland France on July 9?££££

While waiting for the activation of the July 18 tranche, 77 new transmitters are planned for July 9 (see list below).

Chronological reminder of the different activation periods of 4K DTT transmitters in mainland France££££

As a reminder, Paris and its surrounding areas were able to benefit from France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD, respectively, on channels 52 and 53 (from a new channel search) from December 11, 2023. These were more the first live technical tests but it marked the real start of 4K DTT in France and, more importantly, in the world. Because it must be remembered, French TNT 4K is a world premiere!

- Reminder of the transmitters concerned as of January 26:

The activation, outside Paris and its suburbs, of the first real tranche of 4K DTT transmitters allowing reception of France 2 UHD scheduled for January 23 was noted three days late, to be effective on January 26 (see below the document entitled Ignition table of January 26, 2024 available on the Arcom website).

In addition to the issuers concerned as of January 26, the list of other activation tranches was as follows (see agenda below):

- Reminder of issuers scheduled for February 27:

- List of issuers scheduled for April 2:

- List of issuers scheduled for April 23:

- List of issuers planned for May:

- List of issuers scheduled for June 11:

Reminder of the France 2 UHD overseas calendar££££

Also as a reminder, the dates planned for the activation of transmitters in overseas territories:

• Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte on January 23

• Wallis, New Caledonia and Polynesia at the end of February

• Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon at the end of March

Namely, availability of France 2 UHD on satellite from on January 31. As a reminder, France 2 UHD is available on channel 22 overseas.

Reminder of the France 3 UHD calendar in mainland France and overseas?££££

The broadcast of France 3 UHD, still the professional site of France Télévisions, is planned on channel 53 in mainland France from the 10th July, on channel 23 overseas.

To find out more about the specifications (notably technical) for TNT 4K, click on our following news:

• TNT 4K France 2 UHD, list of transmitters scheduled for April 2

• TNT 4K, France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD schedule in mainland and overseas

• TNT 4K, France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD schedule in mainland (unofficial)

• TNT 4K, it left for France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD

• TNT 4K, the Olympics in native 4K on France 2 UHD/France 3 UHD but not the Paralympic Games

• Future of TNT 4K, news from 2023 conference

• France 2 UHD and France 3 UHD on 4K DTT, authorization to broadcast validated

• Alert: 100% of DTT switches to 4K in 2029 at the latest (Switch-off)

• France 2 UHD 4K and France 3 UHD 4K in 2024 on TNT, heading towards the 2024 Paris Olympics