

Nike self-lacing, big pump

After bringing to life a science fiction icon born in Back to the Future 2, Nike is ending production, and even support, of its self-lacing sneaker.

A cultural and technological event, Nike's Adapt BB sneaker launched in 2019 has the particularity of offering the public a bit of science fiction with a model that appeared in Back to the Future 2 thirty years earlier.

Nike had already made the accessory for the cinema before, decades later, marketing the famous self-lacing sneaker from the film, also equipped with customizable lighting. But the success was not there, if we are to believe the decision recently taken by the brand which ceased production of the range.

There's more app££££

A a priori nothing annoying, except that the mobile application linked to the shoe will also be stopped, and this from August 6, 2024. As a reminder, this application allows you to “lace-unlace” the shoe remotely with your smartphone without having to crouch or sit down. A manual control for this purpose is fortunately available on the sneakers, but not the one allowing you to adjust the lighting, which is only accessible on the application.

Adapt BB owners should therefore definitely not delete their application, nor change their smartphone, since it will no longer be transferable or installable from August 6. Maybe it's finally time to look at the low-tech version of these shoes? Or to rush on the latest Adapt BB models, a future hit for collectors?