

15% of French internet traffic occupied by… Netflix

Unsurprisingly, video continues to monopolize a large part of internet traffic in France even if there is a slight drop compared to last year.

According to the latest figures from Arcep (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts), at the end of 2023, internet traffic originating from the main access providers in France was 53% occupied by the leaders Netflix, Google, Akamai , Meta and Amazon, a slight decrease from 54% the previous year.

The video club££££

The first in the ranking is Netflix with 15.3% traffic occupancy (19.7% in 2022). Google also consumes a lot of video via YouTube, and Akamai provides servers responsible for streamlining live streaming for clients like Microsoft, Apple or Meta. As for Netflix and Meta (Facebook, Instagram, in particular), there is no need to present them further.

Amazon finally, in addition to its status as an online sales juggernaut, provides the Prime Video streaming platform as well as the streaming service live Twitch.