

AI, the new star argument of the smartphone market

After the size of the diagonal, the foldable screen or the photographic performance, artificial intelligence is poised to become the new star feature of smartphones.

Gen AI or generative artificial intelligence (AI) has just emerged as a new selling point for smartphones, and according to Counterpoint Research, it should be available in the most accessible price ranges by 2025.

Smartphone market 2024, 11% of AI generation models££££

To qualify as an AI smartphone, a mobile must meet at least these conditions: internal AI generation functionalities (translation, image generation, etc.) ) without going through the Cloud, and technical capacities (processors) dedicated to these functionalities. Counterpoint Research estimates that the proportion of AI mobiles distributed in 2024 will concern 11% of the overall volume, 43% by 2027. Higher estimates than those established at the end of 2023, now taking into account the arrival of Apple in the segment. Samsung, pioneer of the genre with the Galaxy S24 range, will lead the way in 2024, but should give way to Apple from 2025. The installed base of AI smartphones should exceed 1 billion by 2027.

Tarun Pathak of Counterpoint Research££££

“Apart from Samsung, Apple's early entry into the market will also contribute to the growth of the segment, says Tarun Pathak of Counterpoint. Once Apple comes into play, we expect AI to immediately become a must-have feature in all mid-range to premium smartphone launches starting in 2025. However, the real differentiation will be in cases of usage while consumers are still evaluating the potential impact of AI in their future devices.”