

Atari 7800, new retro console and new Atari label

Joy in sight for lovers of another era, with an updated ancestral game console, capable of reading vintage cartridges, the Atari 7800+.

This is not the first time that Atari has tickled the nostalgic fiber of gamers. After the Atari 2600+ released last year (see our Atari 2600+ news, a look back), a console called Atari 7800+, an update of the ancestral Atari 7800 that appeared in 1986, is announced for the end of the year.

Atari 7800+, spearhead of the Atari+ platform££££

The device is apparently identical to the original model (more compact however), accepting in particular vintage cartridges, in case you have some left in a box in the cellar. There are a few new features to note, however, including the [abc]HDMI[/abc] output, full screen mode (or original 4:3), an enlarged cartridge port for easier insertion and compatibility with Atari 2600 games (predecessor released in 1977). Basically, identical specifications to those of the Atari 2600+, the two consoles now claiming the Atari+ label, an interoperable games and accessories platform (other iconic consoles from the brand could be announced in the future). The main difference, besides an optimized electronic card and a distinct design, lies in the game controllers here wireless.

Atari 7800+, new cartridges of classic Atari games££££

It should be noted that alongside the 7800+ console, Atari will also launch new cartridges, no less. Titles bringing a new touch of originality to a selection of games released at the time: Bounty Bob Strikes Back!, Frenzy, Berzerk, Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest, Asteroids Deluxe, Space Duel, Fatal Run, FoodFight and Ninja Golf.

Available at the end of 2024. Recommended price: $129.99 in the USA, on the Atari website or the Amazon US store. No information yet on its availability in France, but given the distribution of previous models here, we can remain positive about its upcoming availability on Amazon.