

Foldable iPhone, Apple orders components

Apple's supply chain, led by Samsung Display, is being asked to produce components for the very first iPhone with a foldable screen, still expected for 2026.

The Channelnews website let its ears hang around during the last IFA show in Berlin, returning with some indiscretions about the first iPhone with a foldable screen, still at the (very insistent) rumor stage.

Foldable iPhone, contracts finalized between Apple and Samsung Display ?££££

We thus learn that the concept and design of an iPhone and an iPad with a foldable screen are ready, and that Samsung Display has spent the last two months finalizing the contracts before launching into the production of the foldable screens, central elements of these devices. LG Display and other Chinese manufacturers were also reportedly briefed on the subject. Channelnews adds that all component supply agreements should be finalized by the end of 2024, so that the devices will be ready for release in 2026. Apple should initially distribute its foldable iPhones in low volume.