

A smarter home with AI?

What do Europeans think about artificial intelligence, especially the ways in which it could help them in everyday tasks?

Samsung recently launched a survey of 11,000 people in ten European countries. The aim of the exercise was to find out what they think of artificial intelligence, particularly in its ability to help them in their daily lives.

AI for a better daily life?££££

We learned that 53% of Europeans want AI to improve their leisure activities, simplify their lives and improve their quality of life. However, only 15% of those surveyed say they know how to use AI to achieve these goals in their daily lives. In addition, 38% of those surveyed say they do not feel concerned by AI.

42% of those surveyed expect AI to help them manage connected devices to make life more convenient. 66% hope that AI will allow them to find more time for their hobbies and activities. 41% expect AI to improve their creations, and 37% believe AI will help them prioritize their passions. So many expectations, and of all types.