

Game of Thrones will be over, if the author stays alive

When George RR Martin realizes he's getting old and the last two books of Game of Thrones haven't been written yet...

Even though the Game of Thrones series has taken a (too) fast track to wrap up (spoil?) its conclusion, there are still two volumes to be released to close the original saga in novels.

It's actually been thirteen years that we've been waiting for the penultimate book, and even if its author George RR Martin jokes about it good-naturedly, he is nonetheless aware that he is starting to get old, a subject brought up during a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, who naturally asked when this famous sixth volume, The Winds of Winter, would be released.

Long live the wind, long live the winter wind…££££

Answer: "Unfortunately, I'm thirteen years late. Every time I think about it, I wonder how I managed to get to thirteen years late. I don't know, it happens day after day. And he added: The Winds of Winter remains a priority. Many people are already writing my obituary: "Oh, it will never finish." Maybe they are right. I don't know. But I am alive right now! I look pretty fit!".

So let's wish Martin a long and healthy life, and also hope that he doesn't take another thirteen years to write the seventh and final volume, A Dream of Spring.