

Free Netflix in Kenya (maybe someday elsewhere?)

Netflix is launching a free version in Kenya to attract potential customers.

Netflix recently announced the launch of a free version of its platform, a kind of preview to attract future paying customers. This initiative was prompted by the fact that many Kenyans have yet to test the service, possibly because they don't know what they are missing.

Free but limited service

To register, a simple email address is required and above all no credit card number. Note, however, that this version is limited: it does not contain the entire catalog, the programs cannot be downloaded and it is only available on Android smartphones. This no-nonsense sneak peek is designed to convince testers to shell out the price of a subscription to access the full service on all of their screens.

With this initiative, Netflix seems to adapt its offer region by region according to the feedback from the public. But basically, what would prevent him from deploying this option everywhere else in the world?
