

Difference between 4G and 5G? Half of Britons don't know

The 5G communications standard is starting to take hold, although some consumers do not yet understand the value of it.

Analyst firm Deloitte recently conducted a survey on the adoption of 5G telecommunications services in the UK.

5% of Britons subscribe to 5G

We learn that since the launch of 5G across the Channel, only 5% of consumers have subscribed to a 5G package. In addition, more than 50% of respondents admit not knowing the difference between 4G and 5G, partly explaining why the new standard is struggling to take hold.

5G, a feature not very popular with the British

When you ask Brits what is the most important feature they consider when choosing a mobile, autonomy comes first, while 5G is almost at the bottom of the list, behind ease of use, storage capacity, camera, screen size and quality, brand, privacy, processor speed, and device life.

Namely, only water resistance and the use of recycled materials are the characteristics considered less important than 5G. Source: Advanced Television
