In a dystopian near future, a stranger named Voaen (DY Sao) is found by the police in the middle of about twenty men whom he seems to have massacred. Haunted by a strange inner voice urging him to murder, Voaen becomes the night watchman of a makeshift hospital where child kidnappings occur…
The Prachya Pinkaew paw
Shot and written by horror screenwriter Pearry Reginald Teo (The Demon Inside), Shadow Master (Hanuman Shadow Master in VO) is theatrically unreleased and led by Cambodian stuntman and martial artist DY Sao.
The feature line-up no less than 14 producers, including Prachya Pinkaew, known to action fans as the director of the films Ong-Bak and Honor of the Dragon. If the content of the Shadow Master bonuses has not yet been revealed, we already know that the film will be offered with VF and VO DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 tracks on Blu-Ray.