For the record, Only Murders in the Building is a series co-created by Steve Martin, Dan Fogelman and John Hoffman. It tells the misadventures of a trio (Steve Martin, Selena Gomez and Martin Short), fan of various facts and amateur podcaster residing in a building where crimes occur that they will solve.
A hit sitcom
The first images of Only Murders in the Building season 3 were released during the 95th Academy Awards. In addition to the participation of Meryl Streep (On the road to Madison, Big Little Lies, Kramer against Kramer), this third era will also count on appearances by Paul Rudd (Ant-Man and the Wasp) -already met in the final season 2- and Andrea Martin (Greek Wedding).
The series of the summer?
The filming of Only Murders in the Building season 3, which started in New York in January 2023, is still ongoing. The release date for this new era on Disney+ has not yet been revealed. Nevertheless, since the initial season had been launched at the end of August 2021 and the second season at the end of June 2022, we can logically expect viewings of Only Murders in the Building season 3 for the summer of 2023.