A mission led by Leon Kennedy to rescue a kidnapped scientist is thwarted by a stranger. Meanwhile, another agent, Chris Redfield, investigates a zombie outbreak in San Francisco. The origin of the phenomenon remains a mystery, but Redfield discovers a common point to the "sick": all have recently visited the island of Alcatraz. Redfield and his team decide to carry out the investigation as soon as possible on this island which once housed a disastrous penitentiary...
The sequel to Resident Evil: Vendetta
Resident Evil: Death Island, signed by Japanese horror director Eiichirô Hasumi (Re/Member on Netflix), is a direct sequel to another animated film, Resident Evil: Vendetta available on VOD since 2017.
The Resident Evil animated films -Death Island is the fourth of the name- are all drawn from the famous eponymous franchise of horror video games launched by Capcom in 1996. The saga, long brought to the cinema by Milla Jovovich , ended in 2017 with Resident Evil final chapter.
Dolby Vision HDR validated
Resident Evil: Death Island, whose 4K pre-orders are already open, will remain a DTV in France while it should have theatrical release in Japan from the beginning of July 2023. The bonuses accompanying the 4K + BD Limited Edition version of Death Island, labeled HDR Dolby Vision with regard to the image, have not yet been revealed by Sony.