

George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) Vs ChatGPT

A group of writers including the author of Game of Thrones files a complaint against the company OpenAI, accused of plundering their works to feed its artificial intelligence program ChatGPT.

This is not the first time that OpenAI's ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot has been in the legal spotlight, and it certainly won't be the last.

Authors Guild Complaint Against Open AI

This time it is the American Authors Guild and 17 authors (including George RR Martin, creator of Game of Thrones, see photo) who filed a complaint against OpenAI for copyright infringement. In question, the use of protected material (that is to say the books of the aforementioned authors) to feed its large linguistic model (GML) ChatGPT, which free regurgitates paragraphs inspired by the looted authors, without them 'have been concerted.

The complainants have their say

“These authors’ livelihoods come from the works they create,” the complaint explains. However, the defendant's GLMs (Editor's note: GameMakerLanguage) endanger the ability of fiction authors to earn a living, because GLMs allow anyone to automatically generate for free (or at very low cost) text that they would otherwise pay writers to create.”

Open AI in discussion with authors around the world…

The complaint further explains that GPT could have been trained with royalty-free works rather than copyrighted material. In a statement to The Verge, Open AI said it is "having productive conversations with creators around the world, including the Authors Guild, and working cooperatively to discuss their concerns about AI."
