

Apple Watch against sleep apnea in 2024?

Next year's Apple Watch should bring interesting new options for the health of its users.

According to the latest indiscretions collected by the well-informed Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, Apple is working to integrate new health options on the 2024 Apple Watches, starting with the detection of sleep apnea.

Apple Watch, sleep apnea monitoring and blood pressure measurement

A common cause of chronic fatigue, sleep apnea occurs when we stop breathing during the night, causing severe snoring. The Apple Watch will be able to monitor breathing during sleep and thus detect apnea, encouraging the user to consult if they wish. Another new function envisaged is blood pressure monitoring, with the watch alerting the wearer in the event of too high pressure. Note that the exact measurements cannot yet be communicated, an option which would arrive on the following models.

Finally, Apple could offer a new subscription-based health coaching service. Probably linked to Fitness+, the service will recommend exercises and nutritional plans based on the user's biometric data and physical results.
