

Cloud Gaming Boosteroid on Samsung Smart TV

An additional Cloud Gaming service is coming to the Samsung Gaming Hub. Other good news, Cloud Gaming is coming soon to the Smart TVs of the 2020 vintage brand.

After numerous services like Xbox, GeForce Now, Amazon Luna, Utomik, Antstream Arcade, or Blacknut (Amazon Luna has just arrived in France), the Samsung Gaming Hub for Samsung Smart TVs welcomes a newcomer in the person of Boosteroid , the largest independent Cloud Gaming provider, with 4 million users worldwide.

The floor to Vlad Kosmin, corporate vice-president of Boosteroid

"We created Boosteroid to give gamers effortless access to premium gaming setups via the Cloud, enabling unlimited AAA gaming," said Vlad Kosmin, Corporate Vice President of Boosteroid. Samsung Gaming Hub is an ideal platform for our gamers as it has been designed specifically for game streaming, eliminating barriers to entry without requiring downloads, consoles or computers. We look forward to welcoming a new community of gamers to our platform thanks to Samsung.”

Cloud Gaming Applications Coming for Samsung Smart TVs 2020

In addition, Samsung confirms the arrival of dedicated Cloud Gaming applications - not the Gaming Hub interface therefore, as already explained this summer in our columns (see our news Samsung Gaming Hub soon (almost) available on Samsung Smart TV 2020) - on the 2020 Smart TV range, subject to downloading the latest Firmware update 2500.00. The applications can then be downloaded from the App Store.
