

Civil War by Alex Garland: first trailer under maximum tension

The famous studio A24 has just revealed the first thunderous trailer for Civil War directed by Alex Garland, to whom we already owe Ex-Machina and Annihilation. A dark, violent, oppressive film.

The particularly visceral urban guerrilla sequences follow one another in an America that has become a war zone that seems irrecoverable. A few seconds of maximum tension in a singularly credible context, which end with a final chilling response.

Civil War, between road movie and satirical war film

The fourth film from Alex Garland, the writer/director of Ex-Machina and Annihilation, Civil War takes place in the near future in the United States. A mix between road movie and satirical war film (we of course think of the attack on the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump in January 2021), carried by Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons, it offers an immersion into an America in prey to a new civil war. The film begins when the 19th United States secedes from the Union. The Florida Alliance opposes Western Forces, including California and Texas. The film is expected on April 26, 2024 in the United States, April 24 in France.
