In February 2022 in Sydney, Australia, convinced that his girlfriend is cheating on him, a 28-year-old man tries to hit her with his car, which ultimately ends up in a McDonald's. Narrowly missing her, he tries to complete his approach by getting out of his vehicle with a knife, before finally being arrested.
PS5, TV, radio… the devil hides in electronic products££££
Despite the drama of the situation, so far nothing exceptional in our world unfortunately. Putting aside, all the same, the arguments recently stated by the criminal in his defense, prior to the announcement of his sentence on March 28: his acts were perpetrated because his television, his PlayStation 5 and the radio of his car “manipulated†his mind. The accused's lawyer had the good idea of exploiting this statement to evoke an “underlying mental illness†which should be taken into account when choosing the sentence. Well... Source: NYpost