

Foldable iPhone, patents pile up

A new patent on a foldable screen has once again been granted to Apple, a further sign that the foldable iPhone is not far away, even if nothing official has yet been announced.

Rumors see it arriving in 2026 and patents concerning it continue to flourish. But the foldable screen iPhone is already physically here, at least in Apple's labs.

The patent speaks££££

The latest patent granted to the manufacturer is entitled “Electronic devices with resistant foldable screens” and, as its name suggests, it focuses on technologies for solidify foldable screens, fragile by nature. In detail, the document describes how the screen is made thicker on the outer corners, and thinner at the hinge to make folding easier. “To ensure that the protective layer of the screen offers satisfactory impact resistance during falls, we can read on the patent, the protective layer of the corners of the screen as well as other areas thereof may be of greater thickness compared to other parts of the screen protection layer.

As for us, we ask to see, and quickly if possible.
