

Star Wars Skeleton Crew, date and first images for the series with Jude Law

The new Disney+ Star Wars series will be released in December, with Jude Law transformed into a space babysitter.

A bit like at Marvel, Star Wars fatigue has recently set in due to so many cutesy series, to be polite. The Acolyte, for example, clearly showed that its wokist tendency was in reality the least of its faults, as its progress was distinguished by a series of decisions, each more idiotic than the other on the part of its Jedi at the bottom of the front.

Exclusive first images££££

But that doesn't stop Disney+ from keeping the floodgates open and the next Star Wars series arrives no later than December 3. This is what the People site reveals about Star Wars Skeleton Crew (with the bonus of the first exclusive images), a work announced for a long time, with nothing more and nothing less than a handsome Jude Law as the hero, unless he doesn't get knocked out at the start of the first episode like Trinity in The Acolyte...

The Star Wars for children££££

But normally, there shouldn't be drama of this magnitude, since the series seems intended for children. And the kids, he knows Jude Law, he's in 7 at home. The cast is essentially made up of very young actors. As for the pitch, here it is: “When they make a mysterious discovery on their hitherto safe planet, four children get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home, meeting unexpected allies and enemies will be an adventure greater than they ever imagined.”
