

Finally no 2nm chip for the iPhone 17?

The major technological advance anticipated for the 2025 iPhones could finally arrive the following year, on iPhone 18.

For a while now, reports from Taiwan have claimed that TSMC's very next 2nm engraving process will be ready for the processor of the iPhone 17 in 2025, the first devices to benefit from the technology. But apparently that won't be the case.

2 nm processor available only at the end of 2025?££££

According to the leaker “Phone Chip Expert” on the Chinese social network Weibo, large-scale production of 2 nm chips will only be possible at the end 2025, too late for integration on iPhone 17. It will therefore be the iPhone 18 which will be the first devices to benefit from it. The leaker in question, who claims to have 25 years of experience in the integrated circuit industry, has already seen several of his predictions proven true. For example, he had announced in advance that the A15 Bionic chip would be retained on the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus, or that the iPhone 7 would be waterproof.

As for processors engraved in 2 nm, they should ensure a reduction in energy consumption of 30% and higher performance of 10% to 15% compared to those engraved in 3 nanometers.
