

Tablet market, growth continues

Even though it is still not back to pre-Covid levels, the global tablet market continues to grow quarter after quarter.

Certainly, the global tablet market has not yet returned to its pre-health crisis level. However, it is progressing slowly but surely.

World Tablet Market, Apple Still the Leader££££

The distribution of tablets worldwide increased by 22.1% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year, for a total of 34.4 million units. This is what the IDC firm reveals, specifying that Apple still occupies the leading position with 12.3 million iPads distributed this quarter and 35.8% market share. The recent launch of the new iPad Pro [abc]Oled[/abc] is no stranger to this success, even if they have not had as much impact as expected.

World Tablet Market, Samsung in second position££££

Still in second, Samsung distributed 6.9 million Galaxy tablets, capturing 20.1% of the market. The Korean group thus sold 18.6% more tablets than last year at the same time, an achievement when you consider that the brand has not launched any new products in this sector in recent months.

World Tablet Market, Lenovo third and Huawei fourth££££

Lenovo is third with 2.5 million units, or 16.7% better than last year. Huawei then observes exceptional growth with 40.3% better than last year for a total of 2.3 million tablets. A success mainly due to the popularity of the brand in China.

World Tablet Market, Xiaomi in the Top 5££££

Finally comes Xiaomi which, with 2 million units, has almost doubled its distribution in one year: 94.7% growth. A success notably thanks to its results in Russia and other European countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain and France.
