

The Franchise: Filming Turns into a Fiasco on HBO

Imagine the shooting of yet another Marvel franchise film going to pot. That's kind of the starting premise of the next HBO original series, The Franchise, the first images of which have just been released.

So it's on October 7th that The Franchise will be released on Max in France. The series is directed by Armando Ianucci, who created Veep. The director of SkyFall and Spectre, Sam Mendes (who knows a thing or two about franchises), is behind the camera of the pilot and the first images are devilishly tempting.

It must be said that the chaotic filming that is shown to us has a little air of Cut! the film by Michel Hazanavicius, Manhattan (Tom DiCillo, 1995) or even Fiasco, the series with Pierre Niney (click to discover all our favorite series).

Himesh Patel (Yesterday) and Daniel Brühl (ex-Villain at Marvel in Civil War) seem to be in a very bad position, drowning in the throes of a film shoot. Hilarious!
