

Top 3 Best Netflix Games, AVcesar Selection

Navigate the Netflix gaming jungle with our ultimate, most subjective selection.

Netflix subscribers, you may have overlooked the streaming service's mobile video game offering (launched at the end of 2021), perhaps considering it an accessory?

Netflix video games, AVcesar's Top 3££££

Fatal mistake, because given the software library offered, we can clearly see that Netflix is taking the subject seriously, even largely supplanting Apple Arcade, whose initial promise - to provide rich and independent games - has not been kept in the long term. Here is a small selection from the editorial staff, sure values that will keep you on the edge of your seat for hours.

1. Laya's Horizon

Both zen but full of challenges, here is a pretty soaring descent on the mountainside in the heart of a small, dense open world, to explore freely while completing multiple missions to improve your character and discover even more challenges.

2. Wonderputt Forever

The quintessence of minigolf, with absurdly detailed scenery, filled with challenges of progressive difficulty.

3. Reigns Three Kingdom

Conquer China by simply sliding your finger on the screen left or right to make your choices Tinder-style? A very simple concept, inversely proportional to the richness of the adventure offered.
