

Bluetooth 6, it’s getting clearer…

The standards for the next major version of the Bluetooth protocol have been published, promising greater precision and security.

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) recently unveiled the specifications of the upcoming Bluetooth 6.0 version, the biggest update since version 5.0 launched in 2016.

Bluetooth 6: improved security, location and energy consumption££££

Without going into detail, optimizations are in place to reduce energy consumption, in particular by only scanning the appropriate data packets based on the specificities of each application. Data security is also enhanced, as is the accuracy of the location of connected devices: "Accuracy to the nearest centimeter, over long distances," assures the SIG.

Bluetooth 6 operational from 2025 ?££££

This increased accuracy will notably improve the Locate functions of Android and Apple devices to find lost devices. No date has yet been given for the deployment of Bluetooth 6, but we suspect that as early as next year, the first manufacturers could integrate it into their devices.
