

“Removable” battery on iPhone 16, it’s confirmed

European legislation, once again, has pushed Apple to make a major change to its latest smartphones (but not all).

After the [abc]USB[/abc]-C port, RCS compatibility and many other changes, the iPhone has undergone major transformations in recent months, all linked to the pressure of European legislation. And it's not over since Apple must also make the batteries of its smartphones removable, in order to comply with recycling rules.

Simplified battery extraction procedure££££

And it's done (or almost) since the Techchrunch site confirms a rumor that was circulating last July, a few weeks before the release of the iPhone 16 range: it is now possible to remove the battery of iPhones much more easily than before. Until then, iPhone batteries were fixed with adhesive strips, requiring tweezers and the application of heat to be removed cleanly. Proprietary tools and an experienced hand were required. In the new version, Apple uses an "electrical pulse take-off" technology, requiring a simple little jolt of electricity to remove the battery, even a 9V battery is enough, explains Techcrunch.

A little simpler then, although it should be noted that only the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus are concerned, Apple has not yet implemented this process on the Pro and Pro Max models. In summary, as with the other changes imposed on Apple, the brand is theoretically giving in but in reality is dragging out the process.
