The film is adapted from the novel Mickey 7 by Edward Ashton, co-produced by Brad Pitt, among others, via Plan B Entertainment. We immediately recognize the graphic and thematic style of Bong Joon-ho (Parasite, Snowpiercer, The Host), a specialist in vitriolic portraits of a divided society that mixes scathing humor, cynicism, craziness and fits of madness. And within which marginality becomes a force, here a human like a grain of sand that can be copied endlessly, dressed like a samurai of the future.
Also on the bill alongside Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Steven Yeun (Nope), Toni Collette (Hereditary) and Mark Ruffalo (Poor Creatures), enhanced by a very beautiful hairdo. Released in theaters on March 5.