

Gaming Portal on LG Smart TVs, LG StandbyMe and LG Smart Monitors

Almost simultaneously with the arrival of the Gaming Portal on its Smart TVs equipped with at least the webOS 23 interface, the manufacturer LG also announced its availability on its Smart Monitors (computer monitors) and on the StandbyME battery-powered and wheeled television.

If the Gaming Portal is a reality, or about to be, on LG Smart TVs, we will have to wait a little longer for other broadcasters, until the second quarter of the year.

LG Gaming Portal, a dedicated video game interface££££

The Gaming Portal makes it very easy to discover, from the home screen, the available cloud Gaming offers, for example nVidia GeForce Now, Amazon Luna, Boosteroid, Blacknut and very soon Xbox Cloud Gaming (see our CES 25 news > Xbox application on LG Smart TV).

In addition to the various applications, users can browse a list of webOS games playable using the remote control, access recently played titles, filter games playable with the remote control or controller or discover the 10 most popular games of the moment, not to mention various customizable game options. Similarly, a screen called My Page tracks games with player progress according to titles, obtaining trophies or badges, scores, etc.
